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pHirst Chem-E-Car

What is Chem-E-Car?

Chem-E-Car is a competition hosted by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE). The objective of the competition is to design a small-scale automobile that operates by chemical means.

My Involvement

The University of Calgary launched its very first Chem-E-Car team this Winter 2020/21. Myself, along with 4 colleagues and the aid of the University of Calgary AIChE Student Chapter pioneered team pHirst, and have been recruiting new members since its launch.



As one of the 2 leads of the Electrical Team, I have been able to immensely expand my knowledge on the real-world design and testing process of electronic circuits.

Soldering, breadboarding, PCB assembly, CAD, and teamwork skills are just a few of the benefits from working on the Chem-E-Car. 

This project is a multi-discipline undertaking. As a result, the biggest takeaway has been a deeper understanding of the relationship between different engineering fields, and how the various areas contribute to the completion of a common goal.

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